What is Divine Purpose ?

You have a unique purpose and mission. You have always known that you are here to make a difference!

If you've ever had the feeling you have a unique purpose to offer the world, but could never figure it out, you are in the right spot. The truth is that you do have a unique purpose and the world is waiting for you.

Chances are, you are one of our much needed Agents of Light and Change, right here right now, ready to make the difference you came to make. 

What is Divine Purpose?

Divine purpose is your spiritual purpose you make manifest on Earth. Divine purpose is a direct partnership with God - working hand in hand to accomplish your mission.

On your path to fulfill your purpose, you use your spiritual essence, soul’s information, and unique gifts to fulfill your mission of higher purpose. Living from this aspect of yourself is what we call the hero’s journey. It is a courageous path and still one less traveled. It is, however, the greatest adventure you can have for your life’s journey.

What does my Divine Blueprint have to do with my purpose?

Your Divine Blueprint is the ideal vehicle for your divine purpose because it is the original soul design and architecture you were born with. Written within your blueprint is the information and wisdom you need for all areas of your life. Understanding your Divine Blueprint allows you to understand who you really are and why you are here. The structure of our blueprint also gives you the tools and navigational abilities you need for your life’s adventure. Connecting back to your blueprint gives you the power to reactivate its wisdom and live your life’s highest purpose. 

Like any other blueprint or instructional guide, it is where we begin…the starting point from which you succeed and move forward on your unique life's path of purpose waiting for you. Read more about What’s a Divine Blueprint?

Why is purpose important to my overall well-being?

Purpose is imperative to your overall well-being and spiritual health. Purpose nourishes our cells and entire system. It is the secret sauce of life uncovering the secret to Radiant Heart Living. Whether your purpose is to be a positive force in the world, innovator or teacher, it is all for your highest well-being.

Your mind, body and heart celebrate when they know they have a purpose. Feeling useful and appreciated, they thrive and operate at their peak. They enjoy being part of your team - each wanting to be healthy in support of you and heart’s highest vision. They, too, get to play to their highest potential and purpose.

Purpose also makes us feel more comfortable in the world.

Life can be overwhelming without a direction. Instead of being tossed around by the world’s complexities, we have a path and a part to play in the world. Even when we find ourselves off-trail or off-center, we know that we will eventually get on track once again. Somehow, you know that by using your soul’s north star and design for your purpose, you will always get to where you need to be. When we know we have a path, we have a focus and a path that we know is ours to follow. It makes it easier to be less distracted by the world when we have a focus and mission within our heart!

Purpose gives us more faith in ourselves and the unseen.

This faith is what restores, nurtures and grounds us - making our hearts feel calm. It calms us because it reminds us that we are we are here for a reason, we are not a mistake, and that who we are matters. We have a part to play.

The world is changing quickly…

With the world changing quickly, many of us are being called to step onto our path of higher purpose. This path can be challenging. It is a road less traveled. However, it is here where we can make our most powerful contribution. It is here where we can be the Agents of Light and Change that we were born to be.

Get ready for the adventure of a lifetime.